We must do everything we can to protect children and vulnerable Albertans.
Prohibiting convicted sex offenders from being able to legally change their names is one simple step we can take to ensure Albertans are safe, secure and protected in their communities.
It is unacceptable that convicted sex offenders are currently able to change their legal name and hide from their past and we are proposing to change that.
Survivors of sexual violence live with the effects of that trauma for the rest of their lives. We should make sure their offenders have to live under their own names.
We must do everything we can to protect children and vulnerable Albertans.Prohibiting convicted sex offenders from being able to legally change their names is one simple step we can take to ensure Albertans are safe, secure and protected in their communities. It is unacceptable that convicted sex offenders are currently able to change their legal name and hide from their past and we are proposing to change that.Survivors of sexual violence live with the effects of that trauma for the rest of their lives. We should make sure their offenders have to live under their own names.We are making changes to the Vital Statistics Act and regulation to prohibit convicted sex offenders from being able to change their names. The first duty of government is to protect public safety. These changes are another step that we are taking to help protect families and support survivors.