(EDMONTON, AB): Alberta’s balance sheet is stronger than ever under Alberta’s United Conservative government, and that is making life better for everyday Alberta families and businesses, Chief Government Whip Shane Getson said today.
According to Thursday’s fiscal update, Alberta’s United Conservative government ended the 2022-23 fiscal year with a record $76.1 billion in revenue, including $8.2 billion in business tax revenue, and an $11.6 billion surplus. United Conservatives also grew the Heritage Savings Trust Fund by $2.5 billion to a record market value of $21.2 billion, and paid back $13.3 billion in debt, which will save Alberta families $260 million in debt-servicing costs annually.
Getson said Alberta’s economic strength means there will be more money available for the things that truly matter to Alberta families, and less money wasted on paying interest on loans. He also said Alberta’s record high Heritage Savings Trust Fund will provide economic stability for current and future generations of Albertans, who will all benefit from Alberta’s current prosperity.
“The Alberta Advantage isn’t just back, it’s stronger than ever, and everyday families are feeling the benefits of our province’s renewed economic strength through record-setting investments into public health care, education, and inflation-relief. Great things are happening here, which is why tens of thousands of people who value freedom, affordability, and economic prosperity are choosing to make Alberta their new home,” Getson said. “All of this prosperity would have all been at risk under the tax-hungry NDP, who would have chased away investment and killed jobs. Fortunately, that’s a reality we don’t have to face, because Albertans saw through the NDP’s backwards plan and remembered what happened last time the NDP was in the driver’s seat.”
In addition to Alberta’s recent population boom, Getson pointed to Alberta’s record $8.2 billion of business tax revenue as evidence why Alberta is once again a top destination for global investment.
“Alberta is the best place in the world to do business right now. In every corner of the province, we’re seeing landmark investments in a diverse range of industries. This is creating thousands of new, high-paying jobs,” Getson said. “It’s astounding that the Opposition leader and her party faithful want to hike businesses taxes by 38 per cent. They don’t have a clue how business works. Right now, we’re seeing record business tax revenue with the lowest business taxes in Canada. That’s what the Alberta Advantage is all about. Alberta is moving forward.”