You may have heard that Alberta parks will be sold off and developed for industry. Nothing could be further from the truth. All current park sites will remain fully protected, free from industrial development. Wetlands, watersheds, and wildlife in these important natural habitats will continue to thrive. These areas belong to all Albertans and it’s going to stay that way.
Far from closing parks down, Alberta Environment and Parks is spending $43 million improving trails and pathways and upgrading day-use facilities and campsites to make your recreation experience even better. Changes to the online portal will make it easier to get permits for things like research, photography, and special events. This is not only good for the land, but good for the economy, too.
Albertans have fostered a common connection to the land for hundreds of years. It is a part of who we are and we all have a shared interest in protecting and sustaining our province. Doing so in tough economic times is not easy. But those hiking day-trips, annual ice-fishing weekends, and nights under the stars are so worth it. That’s why these sites will continue to be protected and remain accessible for you to enjoy.
This website is an initiative by the United Conservative Party Caucus.