May Community Article

Posted Under: Jason Copping

Jason Copping
MLA, Calgary-Varsity
Unit 201, 1055 20th Avenue NW
403-216-5436\jasoncoppingAB Instagram: Jason_CoppingAB Twitter:@JasonCoppingAB

These past few months have been incredibly challenging for us all. I know that many people in Calgary-Varsity are struggling as we continue to deal with the new realities of the COVID-19 pandemic and economic downturn. As we face these difficult times together, I would like to pause and recognize those who have been working in our essential services.  Whether you are a health care worker on the front-lines, a teacher creating lesson plans online, a truck driver delivering food and supplies, or working at our local grocery stores, I sincerely appreciate your commitment to serving Albertans.

I would also like to thank those in the community who are looking out for each other; helping those in need such as our seniors, workers who have lost their jobs, and our most vulnerable.   

Please continue to follow the advice given by the Chief Medical Officer during these times.  As things continue to change, the Government of Alberta is ensuring Albertans are supported. Support for Albertans can be found at  For information on the Government of Canada supports please visit

If you or someone you know is having a difficult time coping, there are supports available.  A text-based program aimed to provide encouragement to Albertans has been launched.  You can subscribe by texting “COVID19Hope” to 393939.  Each day you will receive a message to provide support and resources to ease stress and anxiety.  If you have a positive message please share on social media using #Albertacares.

Please continue to monitor the Alberta government site for up to date information.

As always, please feel free to reach out to my office at if you have any questions.  Together, we can weather this storm.

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