On this page, you’ll find links to surveys on different issues that affect you, your family, and your community. Have your say and be sure to sign up to be notified when a new survey is posted.

NDP-Liberal Alliance Truck Tax
The disastrous NDP-Trudeau Alliance is proposing whopping new taxes on pickup trucks and SUVs. This is only going to make life harder and more expensive for Canadians, particularly in Alberta, where owning a truck or SUV is often a necessity for life, not a luxury. Let us know what you think.
Alberta’s United Conservative caucus is in support of the government’s plan to lift restrictions and return to normal life. Let us know what you think.
Rachel Notley’s NDP Provincial Council has formally endorsed illegal protests against the Coastal GasLink pipeline in B.C. Let us know what you think.
You may be asked in a referendum this fall if you think the section dealing with Equalization payments should be removed from the Canadian constitution. Let us know what you think.
After years of declining student academic performance in literacy and math, Alberta’s new draft curriculum will renew the importance of teaching foundational knowledge across all subjects to better prepare students for success.

If passed, recall legislation would allow Albertans to initiate a process that could lead to the removing and replacing elected officials, including MLAs, municipal officials and school trustees.

There is so much good that can be accomplished by trusting Albertans and empowering them to know how their tax dollars are spent. The Cost of Public Services Transparency Act is, at its heart, equipping Albertans with this knowledge.

Spruce Grove-Stony Plain MLA Searle Turton recently introduced Bill 213, the Traffic Safety (Maximum Speed Limit for Provincial Freeways) Amendment Act, which, if passed, would set the maximum speed limit for many provincial freeways at 120 kilometres per hour.

Alberta’s government has introduced Budget 2021, and the United Conservative Caucus wants to know what you think about the government’s plan to protect lives and livelihoods, while preparing for the economic recovery ahead.
Tell us what matters to you so we can represent you in the Legislature the very best we can.
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