Committee approves inflation increases for independent offices

(EDMONTON, AB): United Conservative MLAs on the Standing Committee on Legislative Offices approved a 2.1 per cent budget increase for several independent offices and requested further information, including cross-jurisdictional analyses, for others, Chief Government Whip and Committee Chair Shane Getson said today.

These increases are in-line with Alberta’s current rate of inflation and government operational spending projections and would affect the offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioner, Alberta Ombudsman, and Public Interest Commissioner.

“These are reasonable increases that respect taxpayer dollars while providing the resources these offices need to fulfill their mandates. The United Conservative members on this committee came to these decisions after prudent consideration, following a week-long review,” Getson said. “These increases are also in-line with operational spending projections across government, as per the mid-year fiscal update. United Conservatives were elected to provide fiscal responsibility and value for taxpayer dollars, at a time when affordability is top-of-mind for Alberta families and businesses. These decisions accomplish that.”

The committee has requested further information, including cross jurisdictional analyses, for other independent offices. Decisions on those budgets will be made in the new year.

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